Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day 37

I'm sure you've noticed that I haven't been blogging everything I eat lately. I just felt too much pressure doing that...simply blogging a little about my day helps me stay on path...especially disclosing my weight each week.

I normally weigh myself several times a week to make sure I'm on the right track. I was 174.8 when I weighed myself this morning. That made me happy, because I had a little bit of an off day yesterday. On weigh-in days, if I see a loss, I tend to "treat" myself to something I wouldn't normally have, which I did yesterday. That way I still have a whole week to be good and make up for it. After picking the girls up from school we went to the mall so they could burn off some energy at the play area. I got a meal from the food court....french fries (yuck and yum at the same time!), and a veggie sandwich, but the veggies were sauteed in oil, so it wasn't really low in calories.

A smoothie is sounding wonderful right now, so off I go to make one!

Update: I am making Moroccan Lentil and Kale Stew. It is on the stove cooking right now, and looks so yummy! Can't wait for dinner!

Update: Just had my dinner...and the stew was soooo good!  Next time I will add even more carrots and kale.  The recipe is from the book "150 Vegan Favorites".  The picture isn't the greatest because it was taken with my Crackberry Blackberry. 

Moroccan Lentil and Kale Stew

1 TB Olive Oil
2 large carrots
1 medium yellow onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
7 cups water
1 1/2 cups lentils, rinsed
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2 cups coarsely chopped kale or spinach
3-4 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
1 teaspoon salt
juice of 1 lemon

In a large saucepan, heat oil over medium-high heat.  Add the carrots, diced onion, and garlic and cook , stirring, for 5 minutes.  Stir in the water, lentils, cumin, and pepper and bring to a simmer over high heat.  Reduce the heat to low and cook, stirring occasionally, until the lentils are tender, about 45-55 minutes.  Stir in kale, parsley, salt, and lemon juice and cook for 10-15 minutes.  Then Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day 36

Weigh-in today: and I lost 2.8 pounds! I am exactly 175.0. After a one pound gain last week, I am happy!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Day 35

Feeling really good today, and motivated! Just consumed a fruit smoothie with 1 cup water, 1 banana, and 1/2 cup each of frozen blueberries and strawberries. Delicious! Now deciding what I want for lunch. I think I might just make a vegan version of Pasta Fajolie soup. I'm cold, and warm soup sounds yummy!

Update: I wasn't able to make my soup today. I need to pick up a couple ingredients at the store tomorrow. BUT, the UPS guy just came with my Zukay raw vegan salad dressings...only 5-10 calories per 2 TB! I'm so excited to try them. I will be having a BIG salad for dinner tonight! The hard part is deciding which of the 6 flavors to try first!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Day 34

This weekend has been good....very busy. Weigh-in is on Tuesday. I think I should see a loss, as long as I stay on track tomorrow. I found a restaurant nearby that has a vegetarian and vegan menu....and vegan sushi is on that menu!  Yummo!   I think I may be getting some takeout this week so I can try it!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Day 33

I bought Easter candy to put in a care package that I sent my husband's bestie who is in Iraq. I had some candy left over because not all of it fit in the box, and ended up munching on some. You see, that is EXACTLY why I do not even have junk food in the house! Haha. Anyway, I didn't go too overboard, and the candy is now gone. This morning I made a Chocolate Coconut Banana Fudge (Vegan). I got the recipe from one of the blogs listed on the right, can't remember which one, sorry! If good I will share the recipe! Hope everyone has a healthy weekend!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 31

I have been doing good. When I weighed myself this morning I lost that pound I gained for Tuesday's weigh-in, plus another 0.6. I was at 176.2 this morning. If I am able to stay on track I should definitely see a loss for the next weigh in. I'm off to have a salad now!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 30

The girls' normal nighttime routine is: getting their pj's on, brush teeth, 1-2 books each, then 1-2 songs each - and sometimes a foot or back rub while singing our songs. Yes, they take after mom and love their feet and back rubbed. As if this routine isn't grueling enough, I am now adding that they pick out their clothes for the next morning. I am so tired of fighting with them to get dressed, mostly Sophie. I think Ava is only starting to fight me because she sees big sister do it. It wasn't a big deal back in MI because I could drop them off whenever I wanted, just sometime between 9am and 10am. Now, school starts AT 9am. And anyone who knows me well, knows I hate being late. So it can be very stressful trying to get everyone out the door on time. We haven't been late yet, BUT, Sophie has gone to school once or twice (okay, maybe three times!) with a miss-matched outfit or unbrushed hair, because I simply didn't have time to argue with her. I don't like them going to school looking like scrubs either, so I have to find something that works for all of us. Hopefully if they pick out an outfit the night before, morning time will be a breeze.

Fruit Smoothie with one banana
and a cup of frozen mixed fruit
(pineapple, mango, strawberries, peaches) (210 cal)
This is my new favorite fruit smoothie! Soooo good!
Total calories = 210

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 29

Well, I did gain, but not as much as I thought it would be. I'm up 1 pound. Had a bad and stressful week. Getting back on track today. :)

Another not-so-good morning with the girls not cooperating, so I ran out of the house without having breakfast. My goal this week is to drink more water!

Tofu Pad Thai (420 cal)
Total calories = 420

Whole Wheat Organic Mac & Cheese (380 cal)
Guiltless Gourmet Chips (120 cal)
Organic Salsa (20 cal)
Total calories = 520

Rice Dream Chocolate Pie (320 cal)
Total calories = 320

Grand Total = 1260 calories

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 25

Green Smoothie (190 cal)
Total calories = 190

1 Cup Brown Rice (240 cal)
Kerala Vegetables (by Tasty Bite) (140 cal)
Total calories = 380

( cal)
Total calories =

( cal)
Total calories =

Grand Total = calories

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 24

Today started out good. But, the rest of the day, not so good. I don't even want to know what kind of damage I did, so I am not blogging my food. I wish I would quit sabotaging my weight loss with days like this. Three steps forward and one step back it seems. I guess that is how we learn. I DO think I've figured out a good balance for me with eating. I am working on putting a plan in place.

Green Smoothie (190 cal)
Total calories = 190

( cal)
Total calories =

( cal)
Total calories =

( cal)
Total calories =

Grand Total = calories

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 23

The girls were not cooperating this morning, so there was no time for breakfast before running out the door.
Total calories = 0

Salad with spinach, sesame seeds,
carrots, dried cranberries,
and low fat balsamic dressing (149 cal)
4 Meatless Chik'n Nuggets (180 cal)
2 TB BBQ Sauce (70 cal)
Total calories = 399

I bought stuff a few days ago to make pink pancakes
on Valentine's Day. Sophie wanted them for dinner
tonight, so we made them early.
Pink Pancakes & Syrup (545 cal)
Total calories = 545

( cal)
Total calories =

Grand Total = calories

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 22

I lost 1.8 pounds this week. I'll take it! I would really love to lose 10 pounds/month. That means I would have to lose 3.6 pounds this next week. Tough, but doable. I'm going to try!

Oatmeal (160 cal)
Total calories = 160

Marinated Broccoli and mushrooms (120 cal)
Tall Skinny Vanilla Latte (90 cal)
Starbucks Brownie (370 cal)
Yes, bad choice on the brownie! I had a weak moment.
Total calories = 580

Fish (360 cal)
Tartar Sauce (100 cal)
Total calories = 460

Guiltless Gourmet Chips (160 cal)
Organic Salsa (20 cal)
Total calories = 180

Grand Total = 1380 calories

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 21

Tomorrow is weigh-in day!

I don't usually have ice cream for breakfast. BUT, after I dropped the girls off at school I stopped at a health food store to buy some sesame seeds (for my afternoon salad). I've been wanting to try one of the Rice Dream Pie's for awhile now, so when I saw they sold them, I had to scoop one up! Lucky for me I hadn't had breakfast yet, so this yummy thing became my breakfast. Let me just say, if I had known vegan ice cream would be this good, I would have made the switch a LONG time ago. This was to die for! I'll give you the description on the package, "Chocolate Rice Dream with 2 oatmeal cookies dipped in chocolate". They only had two pies left in stock, so they are ordering me a case, just so I have a stash of them in my freezer at home. I'll make sure to save some calories a couple times a week for one of these babies! Delicious, and like nothing I've had before! You want one now, don't you?!
Rice Dream Chocolate Pie (330 cal - and worth every bite!)
Total calories = 330

Salad (245 cal)
2 spoonfuls of my raw "brownie" batter
Total calories = 365

One smoothie with the following:
1 cup water
1 cup frozen cherries
1 banana
2 TB cacao powder
1 TB hemp protein powder
This was sooooo good!
Total calories = 355

( cal)
Total calories =

Grand Total = calories

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 20

Green Smoothie (190 cal)
1 TB Hemp Seeds (30 cal)
Total calories = 220

1 Tall Skinny Vanilla Latte (90 cal)
Total calories = 90

1 Cucumber and 1 Tomato sliced
with a little salt & pepper,
and a drizzle of balsamic dressing
& two scoops of my raw "brownie" batter

Total calories = 280

MorningStar Veggie Burger (120 cal)
4 TB organic salsa (20 cal)
3 TB fat free sour cream (45 cal)

Dessert was a Banana Split. To make the "ice cream" I took 2 frozen bananas and put them in a food processor for a few minutes. This is yummy! You can add a little vanilla, or if you are a chocolate person like me, add a tsp of cocoa powder. Then put some of the "ice cream" in a bowl. Place some fresh banana slices around it. For the chocolate fudge topping, mix the following in a bowl: 3TB honey, 3 TB olive oil, 2 TB cocoa, and a pinch of salt. This is a little sweet to eat alone, but is oh, so scrumptious drizzled over the banana mixture! This makes 2 servings, so I shared with Ava. She loved it! Sophie didn't want any, because she just had yogurt ice cream. Another tip, put Yoplait Whipped Yogurts in the freezer. Sophie loves them frozen!
Total calories = 475

And since I have some calories to spare, I can have a couple spoonfuls of my raw "brownie" batter after the girls go to bed tonight! Double yum! (120 cal)
Total calories = 130

Grand Total = 1195 calories

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 19

Well, I made it to the gym today. Spent 1-1/2 hours exercising. Felt good!

Key Lime LaraBar (200 cal)
Total calories = 200

Asian Salad (300 cal)
Smoothie (45 cal)
Total calories = 345

( cal)
Total calories =

( cal)
Total calories =

Grand Total = calories

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 18

I'm back! I seem to do better if I log my food here, so here I am, again. Katie... I may even start logging my weights on the side like you. I think that will also help. :)

Oatmeal w/ cinnamon (160 cal)
Total calories = 160

Veggie Sub from Subway w/ FF Sweet Onion Sauce, & NO cheese (310 cal)
Baked Lays (140 cal)
Total calories = 450

2 slices wheat toast (100 cal)
4 TB peanut butter (376 cal)
Total calories = 476

2 pieces of raw "brownies" I made (120 cal)
Total calories = 120

Grand Total = 1206 calories

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 14

Well...I think I'm going to put this on hold for awhile. I keep track of all my calories on the GoWear Fit website, and it's just kind of a pain to update both places. I download my GoWear Fit band to that website daily to keep track of my calories burned. Then I enter everything I eat so I can see what my calorie defecit is each day. So I'm sticking to that website. If I start to fall off the wagon or slack with my calorie logging, I will start doing it here again. I WILL be following all my favorite blogs still! And I will probably post about my progress here and there, just not every day. :-)