Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day 30

The girls' normal nighttime routine is: getting their pj's on, brush teeth, 1-2 books each, then 1-2 songs each - and sometimes a foot or back rub while singing our songs. Yes, they take after mom and love their feet and back rubbed. As if this routine isn't grueling enough, I am now adding that they pick out their clothes for the next morning. I am so tired of fighting with them to get dressed, mostly Sophie. I think Ava is only starting to fight me because she sees big sister do it. It wasn't a big deal back in MI because I could drop them off whenever I wanted, just sometime between 9am and 10am. Now, school starts AT 9am. And anyone who knows me well, knows I hate being late. So it can be very stressful trying to get everyone out the door on time. We haven't been late yet, BUT, Sophie has gone to school once or twice (okay, maybe three times!) with a miss-matched outfit or unbrushed hair, because I simply didn't have time to argue with her. I don't like them going to school looking like scrubs either, so I have to find something that works for all of us. Hopefully if they pick out an outfit the night before, morning time will be a breeze.

Fruit Smoothie with one banana
and a cup of frozen mixed fruit
(pineapple, mango, strawberries, peaches) (210 cal)
This is my new favorite fruit smoothie! Soooo good!
Total calories = 210

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