Thursday, April 30, 2009

Coming clean....

I ate something today that I shouldn't have. I was rushing this morning and didn't make my smoothie. Then after dropping the girls off at school I had a couple errands to run. I was so hungry! Now I'm feeling bad. Like nauseated. And guilty. I stopped at the Health Hutt to buy some LaraBars (yes, they are raw). They are good to use in a pinch when you're on the go. I'll keep one in my purse so this doesn't happen again. And that is it. Just had to confess. Live and learn.

I'm officially....

an organic lettuce snob! Is that bad?! I don't know and I don't care. After eating organic salads, iceberg lettuce is just sooooo GROSS!!! There is no flavor and no nutrional benefits to iceberg lettuce. And the BEST part is organic spinach and spring greens last much longer in your fridge. NO MORE ICEBERG LETTUCE! It feels good to say that.... :)

Raw Food - Day 3

I'm still doing really well. Last night I was starting to get the munchies, so I went to bed a little earlier than normal. Can't munch when you're sleeping! I think nighttime is the hardest time for me. But it should get easier by the day. I've lost 2 pounds so far. I definitely feel less slugish when I'm not eating processed foods. And from what I hear it takes time to get all your energy back, so it should keep improving.

Green Smoothie

This is what I have for breakfast. I usually have two a day, so I also have one for lunch or dinner. It starts out with a few handfuls of leafy greens (spinach & spring greens). Then I add about 2 cups of fruit. Any combination of bananas, strawberries, blueberries, mango, raspberries, or whatever fruit you want, and a little flax seed. I plan to get some raw protein powder so I can add a little of that, but I didn't buy any yet. I make sure it's at least 50% (or more) leafy greens. Then add fruit to sweeten it up. It's so yummy! And so good for you!



Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Raw Food - Day 2

Things are going well. It's amazing that I'm not craving 'crappy' food like I thought I would. I feel good. Had a green smoothie for breakfast and a salad for lunch. Dinner will be a green smoothie along with a small handful of raw almonds. I'm really enjoying this so far. Maybe this weekend when I have more time I'll make a gourmet dinner, raw of course. For those of you not familiar with eating can have fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts. Oh, and some spices/seasoning/herbs and EVOL (extra virgin olive oil). NOTHING ELSE! And nothing can be cooked, it must be raw. Preferrably everything should be organic, but because we don't have any really good health stores in this city, not everything I use is organic. Sophie and Ava have been eating raw cauliflower. Now that is AMAZING in itself. My girls eat plenty of fruit, but until now I have not been able to get many veggies in them. Baby steps I suppose. I feel like I need to be healthy so I can pass on good eating habits to them and be a good example. That is a big incentive for me.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

5k Training

Tonight I did my first run to prepare for the 5k I'm doing on June 27th. I'm following a training schedule of interval running/walking. My calves were feeling a little tight by the end, but it went really well! I'm training outside to be sure I'm fully prepared. I noticed from past experience that I could run for quite awhile on the treadmill, but when I ran outside it was completely different. So all my training must be outside. And I can't wait to get my rollerblades out! Woo hoo!

Raw Food - Day 1

I have decided to do a 30 day raw food diet. Well, I wouldn't really consider it a diet, but a lifestyle or way of living. This is something I've been very interested in for quite some time now, and something I really believe in. The fact that I'm a busy mom and wife (and working) has gotten in the way of actually doing it, or maybe it was just an excuse. Don't get me wrong, going raw takes time, preparation, and planning - but it can be done! So I will be at least 80% raw for 30 days. I hear so many raw foodist talk about how wonderful they feel, so full of energy and life. I want my energy back! Today I had a green smoothie for breakfast. Smoothies are not new to me, so that part is easy. And the best part is that the girls (or at least Sophie) loves them too. An easy way to get fruits & veggies in your toddler! I'm really excited and feel very dedicated! You can do just about anything for 30 days, right?! I'll try to post several times a week about weight loss, what I'm eating and how I'm feeling. Bye for now.