Thursday, April 30, 2009

Coming clean....

I ate something today that I shouldn't have. I was rushing this morning and didn't make my smoothie. Then after dropping the girls off at school I had a couple errands to run. I was so hungry! Now I'm feeling bad. Like nauseated. And guilty. I stopped at the Health Hutt to buy some LaraBars (yes, they are raw). They are good to use in a pinch when you're on the go. I'll keep one in my purse so this doesn't happen again. And that is it. Just had to confess. Live and learn.


Melissa said...

You shouldn't feel guilty...I have learned that you should allow yourself a "bad" day every so often to shock your body. I have had a few since I have started my weight loss and haven't gained any weight because of it. It helps me stick to the diet even more to reach my goal. Keep up the good work!

LeahG said...

I know. If you completely deprive yourself you just end up binging at some point. I'm going to allow myself one off meal (not a full day just one meal) every week..