Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Raw Food - Day 1

I have decided to do a 30 day raw food diet. Well, I wouldn't really consider it a diet, but a lifestyle or way of living. This is something I've been very interested in for quite some time now, and something I really believe in. The fact that I'm a busy mom and wife (and working) has gotten in the way of actually doing it, or maybe it was just an excuse. Don't get me wrong, going raw takes time, preparation, and planning - but it can be done! So I will be at least 80% raw for 30 days. I hear so many raw foodist talk about how wonderful they feel, so full of energy and life. I want my energy back! Today I had a green smoothie for breakfast. Smoothies are not new to me, so that part is easy. And the best part is that the girls (or at least Sophie) loves them too. An easy way to get fruits & veggies in your toddler! I'm really excited and feel very dedicated! You can do just about anything for 30 days, right?! I'll try to post several times a week about weight loss, what I'm eating and how I'm feeling. Bye for now.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I wanted to try the raw diet, but I didn't think I would last a whole 30 days. I did give up pop today...I think it will help.