Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Raw Food - Day 2

Things are going well. It's amazing that I'm not craving 'crappy' food like I thought I would. I feel good. Had a green smoothie for breakfast and a salad for lunch. Dinner will be a green smoothie along with a small handful of raw almonds. I'm really enjoying this so far. Maybe this weekend when I have more time I'll make a gourmet dinner, raw of course. For those of you not familiar with eating can have fruits, veggies, seeds and nuts. Oh, and some spices/seasoning/herbs and EVOL (extra virgin olive oil). NOTHING ELSE! And nothing can be cooked, it must be raw. Preferrably everything should be organic, but because we don't have any really good health stores in this city, not everything I use is organic. Sophie and Ava have been eating raw cauliflower. Now that is AMAZING in itself. My girls eat plenty of fruit, but until now I have not been able to get many veggies in them. Baby steps I suppose. I feel like I need to be healthy so I can pass on good eating habits to them and be a good example. That is a big incentive for me.

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