Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Like Father, Like Daughter

My lower back started bothering me during my second pregnancy. Bending over after a shower to dry off and put my hair in a towel was and is a chore in itself. I have to hang on for dear life because the pain is so bad. I figured it was due to the extra weight of pregnancy (only 20 lbs-thank you very much), and the extra strain it puts on your back having no stomach muscles left. But the back pain never went away after having Ava, it's just gotten worse. I finally went to see my doctor, who ordered an x-ray. Turns out the disc space between my L4 & L5 is narrowing. She sent me to physical therapy, and I've been doing that for several weeks. Unfortunately it's not helping. So now she's sending me for an MRI to see if I having a herniated (or bulging) disc. My dad had a herniated disc and had surgery to fix it when he was in his 30's. While I may not need surgery quite yet, it is most likely in my future. Of course I have to try everything else first and surgery will be the last resort. Next is the MRI, then probably some kind of injection. Ouch! Not sure what comes after that.

My back hurts mostly with bending and sitting. Maybe this is what sparked my sudden joy for excerise and more active things, because sitting is just too uncomfortable. Maybe it will make losing weight that much easier. Maybe this is just a blessing in disguise. Life is just full of "maybe". I guess that is what makes life so interesting.

And just a word of advice, when they tell you to take it easy during pregnancy, take is easy! It seems I always have to learn the hard way. I remember when I was 5 months pregnant for Sophie, we had just closed on our house in "Skee Town" and Jeremy had to work the day we finally got the keys for the house. We planned on ripping out the carpet in our bedroom to finish the hardwood floors underneath. Do you think I could wait for him to get home from work? Of course not! I ripped out all the carpeting and padding in that bedroom, and cut it up and dragged it to the garage. All while 5 months pregnant! I specifically remember my Aunt Cathy telling me to take it easy. I wish I would have listened. I just have a hard time "taking it easy".

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