Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 78

Grrrr!  I was 172.4 when I got on the scale today.  I think I'm holding some extra fluid as I'm about to start my monthly.  Because yesterday morning I was 170.4 and I was totally on track with my eating all day.  But, today's weight is what counts.  Hopefully next week I'll see a bigger loss.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Raw Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Balls

Tonight, I (along with Sophie) made these vegan (mostly raw) chocolate chip cookie dough balls.  I found the recipe on a blog I follow.  The recipe can be found here if you want it.  Let me tell you, they are delicious!  You know they're a hit when both your two year old and four year old gobble them up, too.  Which they happily did!  These will definitely make it in our favorite recipe folder.  Those four lonely balls were all we had left to go in the fridge..... perhaps my breakfast tomorrow?!   :-)

Day 77

Well, Jeremy and I made it 4 full days on the juice feast.  We both felt great, and feel we got out of it what we wanted... a jumpstart to eating healthier and viewing food differently.  I'm having a smoothie for breakfast this morning and will add healthy food back in, too.  And, we may do another juice feast starting June 1st.  They really are great! 

When I weighed myself this morning I was 170.4.  Official weigh-in day is tomorrow.  I really want to make it to the 160's!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Juice Feast - Day 2

I did my first ever juice fast with Natasha last month.  Other than having a headache for two days, I felt awesome and had lots of energy.  This time around is different.  Yesterday I felt tired all day and was pretty irritable.  In the evening I felt a little achey like I was coming down with something.  Not sure if that was just detox or if I really was coming down with something.  I'm feeling much better today.  Although I have to admit I've had a harder time getting pumped about this juice feast.  Maybe because I wasn't feeling well yesterday, not sure.  But I'm sticking with it! 

So, how is Jeremy doing?  Much better than me at this point!  He was feeling really good yesterday. He is at work right now. I'm looking forward to him getting home so I can hear about his day.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Where do you get your protein?

Whenever I talk about transitioning to a vegan diet or a raw vegan diet, people always ask me this.  I have been reading a ton of books over the last 1-2 years and have read many explanations of this, but sometimes have a hard time explaining it to people.  I knew it wasn't the "protein" you needed, but the amino acids.  The problem in getting them from meat is that your body uses A LOT of energy to break down the protein to get the amino acids, and a HUGE amount of energy to digest the meat.  So why not get those amino acids from fresh whole foods where your body and easily access them and easily digest them?!?!  Leaving you more energy for other things!

I found this video on Rawalicious's blog and it's great... thank you!