Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Fitness Pal

Well, today I was 175.7 at weigh in.  So I am down a little!  I also joined a site called My Fitness Pal where you can log your foods, keep track of your weight, use forums and chat with other people who are also trying to lose.  So glad I found it!  And, I am starting another juice fast on Monday.  I would start now, but Jeremy's parents are coming for a visit and I don't want to rain on anyone's parade.  Jeremy and I are getting a night out and I'm sure we'll go out to eat - I will, however, choose wisely so I am prepared for my fast on Monday.  Feeling really good lately!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Day ???

Ahhhh.... well, the last time I weighed in I was around 177.  I was not watching what I ate AT ALL!  However, this last week has been great.  I've been juicing again, and I feel fantastic.  I need to juice once a day on a regular basis, because it really does eliminate cravings.  Last weekend I cut up a bunch of bell peppers and celery to have in the fridge for snacking.  Jeremy has been taking them to work for lunch as well.  It makes juicing much easier when I have some of the veggies ready to go.  I have also been craving sprouts lately for some reason.  My favorite snack is to take sprouts, celery, bell peppers and a teaspoon of dressing - all wrapped in a big romaine leaf.  Pure heaven!  So I'm back on track and feeling great!  I will do a weigh-in on Tuesday.  I'm back!  Yay!