Saturday, August 23, 2008

A short break...

I'm taking a few weeks off from blogging. I have some things going on over here and it's really busy. My new website is ready for me. So I'll be uploading products to it and getting it ready to go live in a few weeks. I'll be back soon to continue my weight loss blog!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Week 5 Weigh In

This week was a bit of a surprise. Let's just say I didn't have the greatest week, and I thought for sure I would see a gain or stay the same if I was lucky. But I actually lost 0.6 pounds. So that's awesome! I'm leaving soon for my parents cabin. And there's usually lots of temptations up there. Between the fresh baked donuts my mom buys at the Ruby Creek store, to all the other food & munchies that are usually up there. I don't even buy unhealthy stuff like that to keep at my house, because my willpower is not the greatest. I think I will bring my tennis shoes so I can take a run and burn off some of the extra calories. And swimmming and canoeing will help as well. So I should be good for the next weigh in, I hope.

Something I was just thinking of. I don't know if it's just me, but it seems to happen often. You think you had a really great week. You ate good and exercised, just to find out you gained. Then there are weeks you feel like you did aweful and you lose. That seems to happen often.

Total Loss: 4.8 lbs.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Week 4 Weigh In

Down another 1.2 pounds! Since joining the gym a couple months ago, I saw nothing but small gains the first month. They say that's normal when you first start working out, because you're gaining muscle, and muscle weighs more than fat. But the scale should eventually start going back down, and it has, finally! And even with the scale not moving a whole lot, I do see a lot of changes from working out, in my body and how my clothes fit. So I'm excited for the upcoming months. Hopefully I will stay on a steady downhill from here on out.

Total loss: 4.2 lbs.